Class ParticleAlgorithm
The abstract base class for particle algorithms in the Amoebot model.
Every algorithm that should run in the simulation must be implemented as a subclass of the ParticleAlgorithm class through its ActivateMove() and ActivateBeep() methods.
The subclass constructor must have the following signature and call the base class constructor:
public MyClass(Particle p) : base(p) { ... }
The number of pins used by the algorithm must be specified by overriding the PinsPerEdge property.
Particle attributes that represent a part of the particle's state must be implemented using the ParticleAttribute<T> class.
public class MyParticle : ParticleAlgorithm {
ParticleAttribute<int> myIntAttr;
public MyParticle(Particle p) : base(p) {
myIntAttr = CreateAttributeInt("Fancy display name for myIntAttr", 42);
Namespace: AS2.Sim
Assembly: .dll
public abstract class ParticleAlgorithm
| Edit this page View SourceParticleAlgorithm(Particle)
public ParticleAlgorithm(Particle particle)
Type | Name | Description |
Particle | particle |
| Edit this page View Sourceparticle
Reference to the particle's system representation.
private Particle particle
Field Value
Type | Description |
Particle |
| Edit this page View SourceGenerationMethod
The full type name of the algorithm's generation method. This method must be a subclass of AlgorithmGenerator.
public static string GenerationMethod { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
The display name of the algorithm. Must be unique among all algorithms.
public static string Name { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
string |
The number of pins on each edge.
This number must be the same constant for all particles.
public abstract int PinsPerEdge { get; }
Property Value
Type | Description |
int |
| Edit this page View SourceActivateBeep()
This is the second part of the main activation logic of the particle. It is called exactly once in each round, after the movements scheduled in ActivateMove() have been executed, and should contain the algorithm code that implements the look-compute-beep cycle.
Inside of this method, particles are allowed to change their pin configuration and send beeps and messages on the updated configuration.
Note that beeps and messages sent in the current round will be readable in both the ActivateMove() and ActivateBeep() calls in the next round.
public abstract void ActivateBeep()
This is one part of the main activation logic of the particle. It is called exactly once in each round and should contain the algorithm code that implements the look-compute-move cycle. After the movements are executed, ActivateBeep() is called within the same round.
Inside of this method, particles are allowed to release bonds, define which bonds should be marked, and schedule movements. Only the last movement operation scheduled in this method will be applied.
public abstract void ActivateMove()
BondActive(Direction, bool)
Checks if the specified bond is still active or marked to
be released. Always returns true
when called in
public bool BondActive(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail. |
Type | Description |
bool |
BondMarked(Direction, bool)
Checks if the bond at the given label is marked for special
behavior. Always returns false
when called in
public bool BondMarked(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail. |
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks if the particle is currently active and throws an exception if it is not.
Used to guard operations from being called on particles that are not currently active.
private void CheckActive(string errorMessage)
Type | Name | Description |
string | errorMessage | The error message to be used for the exception. |
Type | Condition |
InvalidActionException | Thrown if this particle is currently not active. |
CheckBeep(string, bool)
Checks if we are currently in the beep phase and logs a warning message if we are not.
private bool CheckBeep(string warningMessage, bool exception = false)
Type | Name | Description |
string | warningMessage | The warning message to be logged
if we are not in the beep phase. No warning will be logged if
this is |
bool | exception | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
CheckMove(string, bool)
Checks if we are currently in the move phase and logs a warning message if we are not.
private bool CheckMove(string warningMessage, bool exception = false)
Type | Name | Description |
string | warningMessage | The warning message to be logged
if we are not in the move phase. No warning will be logged if
this is |
bool | exception | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
Contracts this particle into the grid node that is currently
occupied by the particle's head or tail, depending on
After the contraction, the head and tail will both occupy this
node. Only works in ActivateMove().
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also ContractHead(), ContractTail().
public void Contract(bool head)
Type | Name | Description |
bool | head | If |
Contracts this particle into the grid node that is currently occupied by the particle's head. After the contraction, the head and tail will both occupy this node. Only works in ActivateMove().
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also Expand(Direction), ContractTail(), Contract(bool), PullHandoverHead(Direction).
public void ContractHead()
Contracts this particle into the grid node that is currently occupied by the particle's tail. After the contraction, the head and tail will both occupy this node. Only works in ActivateMove().
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also Expand(Direction), ContractHead(), Contract(bool), PullHandoverTail(Direction).
public void ContractTail()
CreateAttributeBool(string, bool)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing a boolean value.
public ParticleAttribute<bool> CreateAttributeBool(string name, bool initialValue = false)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
bool | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<bool> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
CreateAttributeDirection(string, Direction)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing a direction.
The Direction enum specifies which values can be stored in the attribute.
public ParticleAttribute<Direction> CreateAttributeDirection(string name, Direction initialValue = Direction.NONE)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
Direction | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<Direction> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
CreateAttributeEnum<EnumT>(string, EnumT)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing an enum value.
public ParticleAttribute<EnumT> CreateAttributeEnum<EnumT>(string name, EnumT initialValue) where EnumT : Enum
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
EnumT | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<EnumT> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
EnumT | The enum specifying the possible values of this attribute. |
CreateAttributeFloat(string, float)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing a float value.
public ParticleAttribute<float> CreateAttributeFloat(string name, float initialValue = 0)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
float | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<float> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
CreateAttributeInt(string, int)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing an integer value.
public ParticleAttribute<int> CreateAttributeInt(string name, int initialValue = 0)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
int | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<int> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
CreateAttributePinConfiguration(string, PinConfiguration)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing a pin configuration.
Note that PinConfiguration is a reference type but particle attributes have value semantics. This means that changes to the value of an attribute of this type must be "committed" by calling the SetValue(T) method. It is not sufficient to call methods on the pin configuration instance.
Additionally, PinConfigurations stored in attributes do not retain any of their status flags, i.e., saving the current pin configuration in an attribute and then reading it will return a pin configuration that is identical to the current one but that is not marked as the current configuration and can thus not be used to read received beeps and messages. The same holds for storing the planned pin configuration.
Note that reading stored pin configurations of other particles is not supported.
public ParticleAttribute<PinConfiguration> CreateAttributePinConfiguration(string name, PinConfiguration initialValue)
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
PinConfiguration | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<PinConfiguration> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
CreateAttributeString(string, string)
Creates a new ParticleAttribute<T> representing a string value.
public ParticleAttribute<string> CreateAttributeString(string name, string initialValue = "")
Type | Name | Description |
string | name | The name of the attribute to be displayed in the UI. Must be unique for saving and loading of simulation states to work correctly. |
string | initialValue | The initial attribute value. |
Type | Description |
ParticleAttribute<string> | The ParticleAttribute<T> initialized to |
Expands this particle in the specified local direction. After the expansion, the particle's head will occupy the grid node in that direction, and its tail will remain at its current position. Only works in ActivateMove().
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also ContractHead(), ContractTail(), PushHandover(Direction).
public void Expand(Direction locDir)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction in which to expand. |
FindFirstNeighborObjectWithProperty(Func<IParticleObject, bool>, out Neighbor<IParticleObject>, Direction, bool, bool, int)
Searches for the first neighboring object in the specified range that satisfies the given property.
public bool FindFirstNeighborObjectWithProperty(Func<IParticleObject, bool> prop, out Neighbor<IParticleObject> neighbor, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxNumber = -1)
Type | Name | Description |
Func<IParticleObject, bool> | prop | The property the neighbor object has to satisfy. |
Neighbor<IParticleObject> | neighbor | The first neighbor object that is encountered, or Null if no neighbor is found. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search at. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxNumber | The maximum number of ports to check.
The maximum value is |
Type | Description |
bool |
FindFirstNeighborWithProperty<T>(Func<T, bool>, out Neighbor<T>, Direction, bool, bool, int)
Searches for the first neighboring particle in the specified range that satisfies the given property.
public bool FindFirstNeighborWithProperty<T>(Func<T, bool> prop, out Neighbor<T> neighbor, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxNumber = -1) where T : ParticleAlgorithm
Type | Name | Description |
Func<T, bool> | prop | The property the neighbor has to satisfy. |
Neighbor<T> | neighbor | The first neighbor particle that is encountered, or Null if no neighbor is found. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search at. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxNumber | The maximum number of ports to check.
The maximum value is |
Type | Description |
bool |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The algorithm type to search for. Should be the same type as the algorithm that calls this method. |
FindFirstNeighbor<T>(out Neighbor<T>, Direction, bool, bool, int)
Searches for the first neighboring particle in the specified range.
public bool FindFirstNeighbor<T>(out Neighbor<T> neighbor, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxNumber = -1) where T : ParticleAlgorithm
Type | Name | Description |
Neighbor<T> | neighbor | The first neighbor particle that is encountered, or Null if no neighbor is found. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxNumber | The maximum number of ports to check.
The maximum value is |
Type | Description |
bool |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The algorithm type to search for. Should be the same type as the algorithm that calls this method. |
FindFirstObjectNeighbor(out Neighbor<IParticleObject>, Direction, bool, bool, int)
Searches for the first neighboring object in the specified range.
public bool FindFirstObjectNeighbor(out Neighbor<IParticleObject> neighbor, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxNumber = -1)
Type | Name | Description |
Neighbor<IParticleObject> | neighbor | The first neighbor object that is encountered, or Null if no neighbor is found. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxNumber | The maximum number of ports to check.
The maximum value is |
Type | Description |
bool |
FindNeighborObjects(Direction, bool, bool, int, int)
Searches for neighboring objects in the specified range.
public List<Neighbor<IParticleObject>> FindNeighborObjects(Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxSearch = -1, int maxReturn = -1)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxSearch | The maximum number of ports to search. Will always be limited to the total number of ports. Negative values mean that all ports will be searched. |
int | maxReturn | The maximum number of neighbors to return. The
same restrictions as for |
Type | Description |
List<Neighbor<IParticleObject>> | A list containing all discovered neighbor objects. |
FindNeighborObjectsWithProperty(Func<IParticleObject, bool>, Direction, bool, bool, int, int)
Searches for neighboring objects in the specified range that satisfy the given property.
public List<Neighbor<IParticleObject>> FindNeighborObjectsWithProperty(Func<IParticleObject, bool> prop, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxSearch = -1, int maxReturn = -1)
Type | Name | Description |
Func<IParticleObject, bool> | prop | The property the neighbor objects have to satisfy. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxSearch | The maximum number of ports to search. Will always be limited to the total number of ports. Negative values mean that all ports will be searched. |
int | maxReturn | The maximum number of neighbors to return. The
same restrictions as for |
Type | Description |
List<Neighbor<IParticleObject>> | A list containing all discovered neighbor objects. |
FindNeighborsWithProperty<T>(Func<T, bool>, Direction, bool, bool, int, int)
Searches for neighboring particles in the specified range that satisfy the given property.
public List<Neighbor<T>> FindNeighborsWithProperty<T>(Func<T, bool> prop, Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxSearch = -1, int maxReturn = -1) where T : ParticleAlgorithm
Type | Name | Description |
Func<T, bool> | prop | The property the neighbors have to satisfy. |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxSearch | The maximum number of ports to search. Will always be limited to the total number of ports. Negative values mean that all ports will be searched. |
int | maxReturn | The maximum number of neighbors to return. The
same restrictions as for |
Type | Description |
List<Neighbor<T>> | A list containing all discovered neighbors. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The algorithm type to search for. Should be the same type as the algorithm that calls this method. |
FindNeighbors<T>(Direction, bool, bool, int, int)
Searches for neighboring particles in the specified range.
public List<Neighbor<T>> FindNeighbors<T>(Direction startDir = Direction.E, bool startAtHead = true, bool withChirality = true, int maxSearch = -1, int maxReturn = -1) where T : ParticleAlgorithm
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | startDir | The local direction of the first port to search. |
bool | startAtHead | Indicates whether |
bool | withChirality | If |
int | maxSearch | The maximum number of ports to search. Will always be limited to the total number of ports. Negative values mean that all ports will be searched. |
int | maxReturn | The maximum number of neighbors to return. The
same restrictions as for |
Type | Description |
List<Neighbor<T>> | A list containing all discovered neighbors. |
Type Parameters
Name | Description |
T | The algorithm type to search for. Should be the same type as the algorithm that calls this method. |
Finds the official name of this algorithm. This is the name used by
the algorithm manager to identify the algorithms. It is defined by
the static Name
public string GetAlgorithmName()
Type | Description |
string | The official name of this algorithm, if it is defined, otherwise the full name of the class. |
Creates a pin configuration for the contracted state with the default singleton pattern.
The returned object can be used to define the next pin configuration if the particle plans to perform a contraction movement in this round.
GetNextPinConfiguration(), GetExpandedPinConfiguration(Direction), SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration).
public PinConfiguration GetContractedPinConfiguration()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | A new singleton pin configuration for the contracted state that can be modified arbitrarily. |
Returns a copy of the pin configuration from the beginning of the round.
This object can be used for reading beeps and messages that were received. It can also be modified and set as the next pin configuration. After the first modification, it cannot be used for reading beeps and messages anymore.
See also GetContractedPinConfiguration(), GetExpandedPinConfiguration(Direction), SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration), GetNextPinConfiguration().
public PinConfiguration GetCurrPinConfiguration()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | A copy of the pin configuration from the beginning of the current round. |
Same as GetPlannedPinConfiguration() but also sets the current pin configuration to be the planned one such that it can immediately be used to send beeps and messages.
[Obsolete("This method is part of the old pin configuration system and does not work anymore. To read received beeps and messages, call the methods directly in the algorithm code or use GetCurrPinConfiguration. To get a pin configuration that can be modified for the next round, use GetNextPinConfiguration.")]
public PinConfiguration GetCurrentPCAsPlanned()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | The current pin configuration, already planned for the next round. |
Returns a copy of the pin configuration at the beginning of the round.
This object can be used as a basis for defining the new pin configuration after the round if the particle does not perform a movement. It also provides the interface for reading beeps and messages that were received.
See also GetContractedPinConfiguration(), GetExpandedPinConfiguration(Direction), SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration), GetPlannedPinConfiguration().
[Obsolete("This method is part of the old pin configuration system and does not work anymore. To read received beeps and messages, call the methods directly in the algorithm code or use GetCurrPinConfiguration. To get a pin configuration that can be modified for the next round, use GetNextPinConfiguration.")]
public PinConfiguration GetCurrentPinConfiguration()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | A copy of the pin configuration at the beginning of the current round. |
Creates a pin configuration for an expanded state with the default singleton pattern.
The returned object can be used to define the next
pin configuration if the particle plans to perform
an expansion movement such that its head direction
after the movement is headDirection
See also GetNextPinConfiguration(), GetContractedPinConfiguration(), SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration).
public PinConfiguration GetExpandedPinConfiguration(Direction headDirection)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | headDirection | The head direction defining the expansion state for which the pin configuration should be created. |
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | A new singleton pin configuration for the specified expansion state that can be modified arbitrarily. |
Returns the main color of this particle.
Call IsMainColorSet() first to check if the color has been set or not. If not, the return value of this method has no meaning.
public Color GetMainColor()
Type | Description |
Color | The currently set main color of the particle, if it has been set previously. |
GetNeighborAt(Direction, bool)
Gets this particle's neighbor in the given local direction. The position to check is determined in the same way as in HasNeighborAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public ParticleAlgorithm GetNeighborAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction from which to get the neighbor particle. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
ParticleAlgorithm | The neighboring particle in the specified position. |
Returns the pin configuration to be set at the end of the round.
This object can be modified and used to schedule beeps and messages. By default, this is a copy of the current pin configuration if no movement was performed and a singleton configuration otherwise.
See also GetContractedPinConfiguration(), GetExpandedPinConfiguration(Direction), SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration), GetCurrPinConfiguration().
public PinConfiguration GetNextPinConfiguration()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | The pin configuration to be set at the end of the current round. |
GetObjectAt(Direction, bool)
Gets this particle's neighbor object in the given local direction. The position to check is determined in the same way as in HasObjectAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public IParticleObject GetObjectAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction from which to get the neighbor object. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
IParticleObject | The neighboring object in the specified position. |
Returns the pin configuration set using
SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration) in
this round. Always returns null
when called in
[Obsolete("This method is part of the old pin configuration system and does not work anymore. To send beeps and messages, call the methods directly in the algorithm code or use GetNextPinConfiguration.")]
public PinConfiguration GetPlannedPinConfiguration()
Type | Description |
PinConfiguration | The pin configuration planned to be applied at the end of
the current round. |
Returns the message received by the specified partition set, if it has received a message.
public Message GetReceivedMessageOfPartitionSet(int partitionSetID)
Type | Name | Description |
int | partitionSetID | The ID of the partition set to get the message from. |
Type | Description |
Message | A Message instance received by the partition set
with ID |
GetReceivedMessageOfPin(Direction, int, bool)
Returns the message received by the specified pin, if it has received a message.
public Message GetReceivedMessageOfPin(Direction direction, int offset, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | direction | The direction of the edge containing the pin. |
int | offset | The pin offset on the specified edge. Must be in
the range |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, use this flag to indicate whether the edge belongs to the particle's head or not. |
Type | Description |
Message | A Message instance received by the partition set
with ID |
HasNeighborAt(Direction, bool)
Checks if this particle has a neighboring particle in the given local direction. For expanded particles, there are two different nodes in the same local direction, one seen from the particle's head and one seen from its tail.
See also GetNeighborAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public bool HasNeighborAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction in which to search for a neighbor particle. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
HasObjectAt(Direction, bool)
Checks if this particle has a neighboring object in the given local direction. For expanded particles, there are two different nodes in the same local direction, one seen from the particle's head and one seen from its tail.
See also HasNeighborAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public bool HasObjectAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction in which to search for a neighboring object. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
Returns the local direction pointing from the particle's tail towards its head.
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation. Use HeadDirection_After() to get the predicted value for after the round.
public Direction HeadDirection()
Type | Description |
Direction | The local direction pointing from the particle's tail towards its head,
if it is expanded, otherwise |
Like HeadDirection(), but returns the predicted value for after the round.
public Direction HeadDirection_After()
Type | Description |
Direction | The local direction pointing from the particle's tail towards its head,
if it is expanded, otherwise |
HideBond(Direction, bool)
Hides the bond at the given label without releasing it.
See ShowBond(Direction, bool), IsBondVisible(Direction, bool).
public void HideBond(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail |
IsBondVisible(Direction, bool)
Checks if the bond at the given label is visible.
Always returns false
when called in
public bool IsBondVisible(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail |
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks if the particle is currently contracted, i.e., occupies exactly one node of the grid.
See IsExpanded().
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation. Use IsContracted_After() to get the predicted value for after the round.
public bool IsContracted()
Type | Description |
bool |
Like IsContracted(), but returns the predicted value for after the round
public bool IsContracted_After()
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks if the particle is currently expanded, i.e., occupies 2 neighboring grid nodes simultaneously.
See IsContracted().
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation. Use IsExpanded_After() to get the predicted value for after the round.
public bool IsExpanded()
Type | Description |
bool |
Like IsExpanded(), but returns the predicted value for after the round
public bool IsExpanded_After()
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks whether this particle has finished its algorithm.
Override this method to return true
when a particle
is done executing the algorithm. Once all particles in the
system are finished, the simulation will stop automatically.
When a particle's state results in this method returning
, its activation methods should not change its
state any more.
public virtual bool IsFinished()
Type | Description |
bool |
IsHeadAt(Direction, bool)
Checks if the part of the neighboring particle in the given local direction is the neighbor's head. The position to check is determined in the same way as in HasNeighborAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public bool IsHeadAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction from which to get the neighbor particle. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks whether this particle's main color has been overwritten.
GetMainColor() only returns a meaningful value if this
method returns true
public bool IsMainColorSet()
Type | Description |
bool |
IsTailAt(Direction, bool)
Checks if the part of the neighboring particle in the given local direction is the neighbor's tail. The position to check is determined in the same way as in HasNeighborAt(Direction, bool).
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation.
public bool IsTailAt(Direction locDir, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction from which to get the neighbor particle. |
bool | fromHead | If |
Type | Description |
bool |
Turns this particle into the anchor of the system. The anchor particle defines the movement of the whole system during joint movements by keeping its global position.
If multiple particles call this method or MakeObjectAnchor(Direction, bool) in the same activation, the one that is activated last will become the anchor.
public void MakeAnchor()
MakeObjectAnchor(Direction, bool)
Turns the neighboring object in the indicated direction into the anchor of the system.
If multiple particle call this method or MakeAnchor() in the same activation, the particle that is activated last will determine the anchor.
public void MakeObjectAnchor(Direction d, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | d | The local direction in which the object neighbor lies. |
bool | fromHead | Whether the neighboring object is at this particle's head (only relevant for expanded particles). |
MarkBond(Direction, bool)
Marks the specified bond to have special behavior. This means that it will be pulled with an expansion movement if it does not point in the opposite direction as the movement. The bond pointing in the same direction as the movement will always be marked automatically. Only works in ActivateMove().
public void MarkBond(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail. |
PullHandover(bool, Direction)
Wrapper for PullHandoverHead(Direction) and
PullHandoverTail(Direction) where the contraction
target is specified as parameter head
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also PushHandover(Direction), PullHandoverHead(Direction), PullHandoverTail(Direction).
public void PullHandover(bool head, Direction locDir)
Type | Name | Description |
bool | head | If |
Direction | locDir | The local direction relative to this particle's head/tail from which the contracted neighbor particle should be pulled. |
Contracts this particle into the grid node that is currently occupied by the particle's head while the contracted neighbor particle in the specified direction expands onto the current tail node. After the contraction, the head and tail of this particle will both occupy the current head node and the current tail node will be occupied by the neighbor. Only works in ActivateMove().
Only allowed if there is a contracted particle in the specified direction relative to this particle's tail that simultaneously performs a push handover.
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also PushHandover(Direction), ContractHead(), PullHandoverTail(Direction).
public void PullHandoverHead(Direction locDir)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction relative to this particle's tail from which the contracted neighbor particle should be pulled. |
Contracts this particle into the grid node that is currently occupied by the particle's tail while the contracted neighbor particle in the specified direction expands onto the current head node. After the contraction, the head and tail of this particle will both occupy the current tail node and the current head node will be occupied by the neighbor. Only works in ActivateMove().
Only allowed if there is a contracted particle in the specified direction relative to this particle's head that simultaneously performs a push handover.
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also PushHandover(Direction), ContractTail(), PullHandoverHead(Direction).
public void PullHandoverTail(Direction locDir)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction relative to this particle's head from which the contracted neighbor particle should be pulled. |
Expands this particle in the specified local direction while the expanded neighbor particle in that direction contracts. After the expansion, the particle's head will occupy the grid node in that direction, and its tail will remain at its current position. The neighbor will have contracted away from that node. Only works in ActivateMove().
Only allowed if there is an expanded particle in the specified direction that simultaneously performs a pull handover aimed at this particle.
Note that movements are only applied at the end of a round, i.e., after the activation is over. This means that calling this method will have no immediate effect.
See also Expand(Direction), PullHandoverHead(Direction), PullHandoverTail(Direction).
public void PushHandover(Direction locDir)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the particle should expand. |
Checks whether the specified partition set has received a beep in the last round.
public bool ReceivedBeepOnPartitionSet(int partitionSetID)
Type | Name | Description |
int | partitionSetID | The ID of the partition set to check. |
Type | Description |
bool |
ReceivedBeepOnPin(Direction, int, bool)
Checks whether the specified pin has received a beep in the last round.
public bool ReceivedBeepOnPin(Direction direction, int offset, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | direction | The direction of the edge containing the pin. |
int | offset | The pin offset on the specified edge. Must be in
the range |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, use this flag to indicate whether the edge belongs to the particle's head or not. |
Type | Description |
bool |
Checks whether the specified partition set has received a message in the last round.
public bool ReceivedMessageOnPartitionSet(int partitionSetID)
Type | Name | Description |
int | partitionSetID | The ID of the partition set to check. |
Type | Description |
bool |
ReceivedMessageOnPin(Direction, int, bool)
Checks whether the specified pin has received a message in the last round.
The direction of the edge containing the pin. The pin offset on the specified edge. Must be in the range0,...,PinsPerEdge-1
If the particle is expanded, use this flag to indicate
whether the edge belongs to the particle's head or not.
if and only if the specified pin has received a message.Declaration
public bool ReceivedMessageOnPin(Direction direction, int offset, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | direction | |
int | offset | |
bool | head |
Type | Description |
bool |
ReleaseBond(Direction, bool)
Marks the specified bond to be released before the scheduled movement. Only works in ActivateMove().
public void ReleaseBond(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail. |
Resets the particle's main color to its default value. The color will be shown as soon as the round computation is finished.
public void ResetMainColor()
Sends a beep on the specified partition set.
public void SendBeepOnPartitionSet(int partitionSetID)
Type | Name | Description |
int | partitionSetID | The ID of the partition set on which to send the beep. |
SendBeepOnPin(Direction, int, bool)
Sends a beep on the specified pin.
public void SendBeepOnPin(Direction direction, int offset, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | direction | The direction of the edge containing the pin. |
int | offset | The pin offset on the specified edge. Must be in
the range |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, use this flag to indicate whether the edge belongs to the particle's head or not. |
SendMessageOnPartitionSet(int, Message)
Sends the given message on the specified partition set.
Note that a copy of the given Message instance
is sent. Altering the instance after calling
this method has no effect on the sent message.
public void SendMessageOnPartitionSet(int partitionSetID, Message msg)
Type | Name | Description |
int | partitionSetID | The ID of the partition set on which to send the message. |
Message | msg | The message to be sent. |
SendMessageOnPin(Direction, int, Message, bool)
Sends the given message on the specified pin.
Note that a copy of the given Message instance
is sent. Altering the instance after calling
this method has no effect on the sent message.
public void SendMessageOnPin(Direction direction, int offset, Message msg, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | direction | The direction of the edge containing the pin. |
int | offset | The pin offset on the specified edge. Must be in
the range |
Message | msg | The message to be sent. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, use this flag to indicate whether the edge belongs to the particle's head or not. |
Sets the main color of this particle. The color will be displayed as soon as the round computation is finished.
public void SetMainColor(Color c)
Type | Name | Description |
Color | c | The color to be applied to the particle. |
Sets the pin configuration that should be applied to the particle at the end of this round. Only works in ActivateBeep().
The expansion state of the pin configuration must match the expansion state of the particle, i.e., if the particle is contracted, the pin configuration must be made for the contracted state, and if the particle is expanded, the pin configuration must match the corresponding head direction.
If no pin configuration is set in the same round in which a movement is performed, the pin configuration defaults to the singleton pattern. If no movement and no new pin configuration are planned, the configuration is left unchanged.
public void SetNextPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration pinConfiguration)
Type | Name | Description |
PinConfiguration | pinConfiguration | The pin configuration to be applied at the end of the current round. |
Sets the pin configuration that should be applied to the particle at the end of this round. Only works in ActivateBeep().
The expansion state of the pin configuration must match the expansion state of the particle, i.e., if the particle is contracted, the pin configuration must be made for the contracted state, and if the particle is expanded, the pin configuration must match the corresponding head direction.
If no pin configuration is planned in the same round in which a movement is performed, the pin configuration defaults to the singleton pattern. If no movement and no new pin configuration are planned, the configuration is left unchanged.
[Obsolete("This method is part of the old pin configuration system. To overwrite the next pin configuration, call SetNextPinConfiguration.")]
public void SetPlannedPinConfiguration(PinConfiguration pinConfiguration)
Type | Name | Description |
PinConfiguration | pinConfiguration | The pin configuration to be applied at the end of the current round. |
ShowBond(Direction, bool)
Shows the bond at the given label if it has previously been hidden.
See HideBond(Direction, bool), IsBondVisible(Direction, bool).
public void ShowBond(Direction locDir, bool head = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | locDir | The local direction into which the bond is pointing. |
bool | head | If the particle is expanded, this flag indicates whether the bond is located at the head or the tail |
Returns the local direction pointing from the particle's head towards its tail.
Note: This method returns information from the snapshot taken at the beginning of the current round. Its return value will not change during this activation. Use TailDirection_After() to get the predicted value for after the round.
public Direction TailDirection()
Type | Description |
Direction | The local direction pointing from the particle's head towards its tail,
if it is expanded, otherwise |
Like TailDirection(), but returns the predicted value for after the round.
public Direction TailDirection_After()
Type | Description |
Direction | The local direction pointing from the particle's head towards its tail,
if it is expanded, otherwise |
TriggerObjectBondRelease(Direction, bool)
Makes the neighboring object in the indicated direction release all of its bonds to other objects in the current round. Can only be called in the movement phase.
public void TriggerObjectBondRelease(Direction d, bool fromHead = true)
Type | Name | Description |
Direction | d | The local direction in which the object neighbor lies. |
bool | fromHead | Whether the neighboring object is at this particle's head (only relevant for expanded particles). |
Switches to automatic bond mode, causing the movements of the particle to behave like in the original model without joint movements.
Any changes made to the bond setup will be overwritten by the automatic bonds. Setting this mode will also avoid warning messages caused by disagreeing bonds. Only works in ActivateMove().
Note that joint movements are not disabled completely by this method. For example, expanding into another particle will result in pushing the neighbor away if it causes no conflict.
public void UseAutomaticBonds()